Call for Proposals: Procedure “Support for Family Businesses, Creative Industries and Crafts”

Indoor shot of creative female painter with beautiful appearance sitting at table surrounded with colorful oils, looking with glad expression into camera being happy to creat great masterpiece

Application period: May 31, 2024 – September 16, 2024.

Total budget: BGN 117 514 155

The current procedure is in fulfillment of Priority 1: Innovations and Growth under the program “Competitiveness and Innovations in Enterprises” 2021-2027.

The purpose of the procedure is to encourage investments to improve production capacity and optimize business processes in family businesses, enterprises from the creative industries and crafts, and thus contribute to increasing their competitiveness and strengthening their market presence.

Eligible candidates:

1) To be merchants within the meaning of the Commercial Law or the Law on Cooperatives.

2) To be registered no later than 31.12.2021.

3) To be micro or small enterprises within the meaning of Art. 3 and Art. 4 of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises and the Recommendation of the Commission of May 6, 2003 regarding the definition of micro, small and medium enterprises.

4) To have an average staff for 2023 that is ≥ 1 employed person.

5) To have realized net revenues from sales TOTAL for the 2021, 2022 and 2023 financial years depending on the category of the candidate enterprise:

  • Micro enterprise – ≥ BGN 30 000 and ≤ BGN 1800 000
  • Small enterprise – ≥ BGN 75 000 and up to ≤ BGN 7 200 000

6 ) To meet AT LEAST ONE of the following requirements:

  • To be family business when:
  • more than half of the capital (property) of the enterprise is owned by the natural person who created the enterprise or acquired its capital (property) AND at least one other (different) natural person is officially involved in the management of the enterprise, and there is a family relationship between the two persons,


  • more than half of the capital (property) of the enterprise is owned by two or more natural persons who created the enterprise or acquired its capital (property), with a family relationship between them AND at least one of these persons or at least one other (different) natural person, with which all persons owning more than half of the capital (property) of the enterprise are related, officially participates in the management of the enterprise,


  • more than half of the capital (property) of the enterprise is owned by the natural person who created the enterprise or acquired its capital (property) AND at least one other (different) natural person is assigned to an employment contract in the enterprise, and there is a family relationship between the two persons,


  • more than half of the capital (property) of the enterprise is owned by two or more natural persons who created the enterprise or acquired its capital (property), with a family relationship between them AND at least one of these persons or at least one other (different) natural person, with which all persons owning more than half of the capital (property) of the enterprise are related, is assigned to an employment contract in the enterprise.

IMPORTANT: To be considered a family enterprise, the applicant must meet one of the above four conditions (hypotheses) in 2023 AND on the date of submission of the project proposal under the procedure (cumulative).

  • To be enterprises with a main economic activity (four-digit numerical code according to the Classification of Economic Activities – KID-2008 based on data for 2023) in the field of creative industries, as follows:

Printing activity (group 18.1 according to KID-2008) – permissible codes:

18.11 – Printing of newspapers

18.12 – Printing of other publications and printed products

18.13 – Pre-press preparation

18.14 – Binding and similar printing activities

Playback of recorded media (group 18.2 according to KID-2008) – permissible code: 18.20 – Playback of recorded media

Publication of books, periodicals and other publishing activities (group 58.1 according to KID-2008) – permissible codes:

58.11 – Publication of books

58.12 – Issuance of directories, directories and address lists

58.13 – Publication of newspapers

58.14 – Publication of magazines and other periodicals

58.19 – Other publishing activities

Issuance of software products (group 58.2 according to KID-2008) – permissible codes:

58.21 – Publishing of computer games

58.29 – Release of other software products

Production and distribution of films and television programs (group 59.1 according to KID-2008) – eligible codes:

59.11 – Film and television production

59.12 – Technical activities related to film and television production (post-production)

59.13 – Distribution of films and television programs

59.14 – Projection of films

Sound recording and publishing of music (group 59.2 according to KID-2008) – permissible code: 59.20 – Sound recording and publishing of music

Creation and broadcasting of radio programs (group 60.1 according to KID-2008) – permissible code: 60.10 – Creation and broadcasting of radio programs

Creation and broadcasting of television programs (group 60.2 according to KID-2008) – permissible code: 60.20 – Creation and broadcasting of television programs

Architectural and engineering activities (group 71.1 according to KID-2008) – permissible code: 71.11 – Architectural activities

Advertising activity (group 73.1 according to KID-2008) – permissible code: 73.11 – Activities of advertising agencies

Specialized activities in the field of design (group 74.1 according to KID-2008) – permissible code: 74.10 – Specialized design activities

Activities in the field of photography (group 74.2 according to KID-2008) – permissible code: 74.20 – Activities in the field of photography

Translation activity (group 74.3 according to KID-2008) – admissible code:

74.30 – Translation activity

Other educational activities (group 85.5 according to KID-2008) – permissible code:

85.52 – Non-formal education in the field of culture

Artistic and creative activity (group 90.0 according to KID-2008) – permissible codes:

90.01 – Performing arts

90.02 – Ancillary activities related to performing arts

90.03 – Creative activity in the field of literature and arts

90.04 – Operation of performance halls

Other activities in the field of culture (group 91.0 according to KID-2008) – permissible codes:

91.01 – Activity of libraries and archives

91.02 – Activity of museums

  • Preservation and management of cultural and historical monuments and places

6.3. To be enterprises carrying out an activity included in the List of Crafts pursuant to Appendix No. 1 to the Law on Crafts and whose owner(s) is/are registered with the same activity in the National Register of Craftsmen, maintained by the National Chamber of Crafts.

7) To have applied for support only for their main economic activity according to KID-2008 based on data for 2023 – applicable to family enterprises and to enterprises with a main economic activity in the field of creative industries, 


8 ) To have applied for support for an activity according to the List of Crafts – Annex No. 1 to the Law on Crafts, with which the owner/s of the enterprise is/are entered in the National Register of Craftsmen, maintained by the National Chamber of Crafts – applicable to enterprises, carrying out an activity included in the List of Trades according to Appendix No. 1 to the Law on Trades.

Eligible activities:

  • Activity 1. Improving the production capacity of family enterprises and enterprises from creative industries and crafts (mandatory activity) by means of the acquisition of assets for the production process/service provision process (tangible and intangible assets), as well as tools and equipment below the value threshold of materiality for tangible assets, ensuring improvement of the enterprise’s production capacity.
  • Activity 2. Improving the market performance of family businesses and businesses from the creative industries and crafts (optional activity) through the creation of a new online store for the products/services of the enterprise, for which support has been requested under the procedure.

IMPORTANT: Activity 2 is not admissible for candidates who, by the deadline for applying under this procedure, have a contract concluded (which has not been terminated) under procedure BG-RRP-3.005 “Solutions in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies and Cyber Security in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” under Investment “Economic Transformation Program” from NPVU, including costs for creating an online store.

  • Activity 3. Improving management, production and logistics processes in family businesses and businesses in the creative industries and crafts (optional activity) by means of the introduction of the following ICT systems/modules to improve management, production and logistics processes in the enterprise:
  • Resource management system (ERP system);
  • Customer relationship management system (CRM system);
  • Supply chain management system/module;
  • Warehouse management system/module (WMS system/module);
  • Production management system/module (MOM/MES system/module);
  • System for business analysis (Business Intelligence system).

IMPORTANT: Applicants are not entitled to receive funding under the current procedure for the introduction of ICT systems/modules to improve management, production and logistics processes in the enterprise (under Activity 3) if, by the deadline for applications under this procedure, they have concluded a contract (which does not has been discontinued) under procedure BG-RRP-3.005 “Solutions in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies and Cyber Security in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” and/or under procedure BG-RRP-3.004 “Technological Modernization” under PIT from NPVU, including costs for the performance of the same activities (the same ICT systems/modules).

  • Activity 4. Consulting services for the preparation of the project proposal under the procedure (optional activity) in the period after the announcement of the procedure and until the submission of the project proposal under it.

Eligible expenses:

1 ) Activity 1 costs (mandatory):

  • Costs for the acquisition of tangible assets, representing machines, equipment for the production process/ the process of providing services, which ensure the improvement of the production capacity of the enterprise.
  • Costs for the acquisition of tools and equipment for the production process/service provision process below the value threshold of materiality for tangible assets, which ensure the improvement of the production capacity of the enterprise.
  • Costs for the acquisition of intangible assets – specialized software that ensures the improvement of the production capacity of the enterprise.

IMPORTANT: When acquiring specialized software eligible under the procedure, ensuring the improvement of the production capacity of the enterprise (including through a license for a certain period), the costs for it are permissible for the period from the date of conclusion of the contract with the selected contractor to the expiration of the deadline for the implementation of the project.

2) Activity 2 costs (optional):

  • Costs for creating an online store for the products/services of the activity for which support is requested – should not exceed BGN 10

3 ) Activity 3 costs (optional): 

  • Costs for introducing the above-mentioned ICT systems/modules to improve management, production and logistics processes in the enterprise – should not exceed BGN 15

4 ) Activity 4 costs (optional):

  • Costs for consulting services for the preparation of the project proposal under the procedure – should not exceed BGN 3

Amount of the grant:

  • Minimum amount of BFP: BGN 15
  • Maximum amount of BFP: BGN 150

In addition, the maximum amount of the requested grant for a single project proposal should NOT exceed:

  • for micro-enterprises: 100% of the applicant company’s average annual net sales revenue for the three-year period 2021, 2022 and 2023.
  • for small businesses: 60% of the applicant company’s average annual net sales revenue for the three-year period 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Important: The aid under this procedure is provided under the conditions of the “de minimis” regime. 

Funding percentage:

  • Family enterprises and enterprises with a main economic activity in the field of creative industries – 75%
  • Enterprises carrying out activities included in the List of Crafts according to Appendix No. 1 to the Law on Crafts – 85%

Duration of projects: up to 12 (twelve) months

For advice on eligibility, required documents and assistance in applying under this procedure, contact our team of professionals through our contact form: or by phone +359 898 573 914.

Call us today so we can succeed together tomorrow!

Call for Proposals: Procedure “Implementation of Innovations in Enterprises” 

Community Cloud Storage Sync Secure

Application period: November 2, 2023 – January 31, 2024. 

Total budget: BGN 100 000 000 

The current procedure is in implementation of Priority 1: Innovation and Growth and Priority 2: Circular Economy under the program “Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises” 2021-2027.

The purpose of the procedure is to provide focused support to Bulgarian enterprises for the implementation of product innovations or innovations in business processes in the thematic areas of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization 2021-2027.

Eligible candidates:

1) To be merchants within the meaning of the Commercial Law or the Law on Cooperatives or to be an equivalent entity within the meaning of the legislation of a member state of the European Economic Area.

2) To be registered no later than 31.12.2020.

3) To be micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the meaning of Art. 3 and Art. 4 of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Annex I “Definition of SMEs” to Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014, or small companies with an average market capitalization (Small Mid-Caps).

4) To have realized net revenue from sales for the 2022 financial year depending on the category of the applicant enterprise, as follows:

  • for micro enterprises ≥ BGN 100 000.
  • for small enterprises ≥ BGN 300 000.
  • for medium-sized enterprises ≥ BGN 1 000 000.
  • for small companies with an average market capitalization ≥ BGN 2 000 000.

Eligible activities:

  • ELEMENT A “Investments” (mandatory):
  • Activity 1. Implementation of product innovation (good or service) or innovation in business processes by means of acquisition of machinery, and equipment representing long-term tangible assets.
  • Activity 2. Implementation of product innovation (goods or services) or innovation in business processes by means of acquisition of specialized software (including development), patents, licenses, know- how” etc., representing fixed intangible assets.

IMPORTANT: Project proposals may include only ONE or BOTH eligible activities under the mandatory Element A “Investments”.

  • ELEMENT B “Services” (optional):
  • Activity 1. Protection of industrial property rights on the implemented innovation.
  • Activity 2. Consulting and support services to support innovation.

2.1. Consulting services in support of innovation include activities for services performed by a legally competent industrial property representative related to the protection of industrial property at the national, European and/or international level, incl. studies (for “state of the art”, “novelty”, “inventive step” and “technical applicability”) related to the innovative products/processes implemented under the project.

IMPORTANT: Service activities under item 2.1) are admissible ONLY if they are related to the protection of one’s own industrial property rights for the innovation implemented under the project.

2.2. Auxiliary services to support innovation include:

— activities to provide access to databases and libraries to be used in connection with the improvement of the product (good or service) or business process implemented under the project.

— activities to provide services from laboratories for conducting research, measurements and tests.

Eligible expenses:

1 ) ELEMENT A “Investments” (mandatory):

  • Costs for the acquisition of tangible fixed assets – machines, facilities and equipment necessary for the implementation of the project.
  • Costs for the acquisition of long-term intangible assets – specialized software (including development), patents, licenses, know-how” etc., necessary for the implementation of the project.

IMPORTANT: The total eligible costs (aid plus own co-financing) for specialized software (regardless of one or more), including software licenses, must not exceed BGN 400 000.

IMPORTANT: For small companies with an average market capitalization, expenses for intangible assets are only allowed up to 50% of the total eligible expenses under Element A “Investments” under an applicable state aid regime – “regional investment aid”.

2) ELEMENT B “Services” (optional):

  • Costs for fees for application and registration of industrial property rights on the implemented innovation before the relevant competent department at the national, European and/or international level – up to BGN 10 000.
  • Costs for consulting and support services to support innovation

– Costs for consulting services in support of innovation include costs for external services (through an award contract, civil contracts, etc.) performed by a legally competent industrial property representative related to the protection of industrial property at national, European and/or international level, incl. studies (for “state of the art”, “novelty”, “inventive step” and “technical applicability”), for innovative products/processes implemented under the project – up to BGN 10 000.

– Costs for support services to support innovation include:

  1. a) costs for fees for access to databases and libraries to be used in connection with the improvement of the product (goods or service) or business process implemented under the project – up to BGN 30 000;
  2. b) costs for external services (through an award contract, etc.) related to the provision of services by laboratories for conducting research, measurements, tests, etc.

IMPORTANT: Costs for Element B “Services” should not exceed 25% of the total eligible project costs.

Amount of the grant:

  • minimum amount of BFP: BGN 50,000 .
  • maximum amount of BPF depending on the category of enterprise:
  • for micro and small enterprises – BGN 500,000.
  • for medium-sized enterprises and small companies with an average market capitalization – BGN 800,000.

In addition, the maximum amount of the requested grant for a single project proposal should NOT exceed:

  • for micro-enterprises : 100% of the average annual net sales revenue realized by the applicant for the three-year period 2020, 2021 and 2022.
  • for small businesses : 60% of the applicant’s average annual net sales revenue for the three-year period 2020, 2021 and 2022.
  • for medium-sized enterprises and small companies with an average market capitalization : 25% of the average annual net sales revenue realized by the applicant for the three-year period 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Funding percentage:

  • Maximum intensity of aid under the selected regime “regional investment aid” for activities outside the SSR (NUTS-2):
  • Micro and small enterprises – 50%
  • Medium enterprises and small companies with an average market capitalization – 45%
  • Maximum intensity of aid under the selected regime “regional investment aid” for activities in the SSR (NUTS-2):
  • micro and small enterprises – Sofia city (capital): 40%; Sofia region: 45%; Blagoevgrad District: 45%; Pernik District: 40%; Kyustendil Region: 45%
  • medium-sized enterprises – Sofia city (capital): 30%; Sofia region: 45%; Blagoevgrad District: 45%; Pernik District: 30%; Kyustendil Region: 35%
  • small companies with medium market capitalization – Sofia city (capital): 20%; Sofia Region: 45%, Blagoevgrad Region: 45%; Pernik District: 20%; and Kyustendil Region: 25%.
  • The maximum intensity (percentage) of the grant funding under the selected “minimum aid” mode (de minimis):
  • Micro, small, medium enterprises and small companies with an average market capitalization – 50%
  • The maximum intensity (percentage) of grant funding under the selected mode “innovation aid for SMEs” :
  • Micro, small and medium enterprises – 50%.

Duration of projects: up to 15 (fifteen) months, counted from the date of entry into force of the administrative contract for the provision of grant-in-aid.

For advice on eligibility, required documents and assistance in applying under this procedure, contact our team of professionals through our contact form: or by phone +359 898 573 914.

Contact us today so we can succeed together!

Call for Proposals: “Adaptive Working Environment” Procedure


Application period: October 16 2023 – January 5 2024 

Total budget: BGN 100 000 000 

The present procedure is in fulfillment of priority 1: Promotion of employment and the development of skills under the program “Human Resources Development” 2021-2027 and is implemented with the financial support of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).

The purpose of the procedure is to provide support to enterprises to meet the new challenges associated with the transition to a climate-neutral economy and changing work models, and to improve the healthy and safe working environment in enterprises.

Eligible candidates:

All individuals and legal entities, and their associations with independent legal personality, who have the right to carry out activities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and are traders within the meaning of Art. 1 of the Commercial Law.

All applicants must:

1) Meet the requirements for providing minimum benefits, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 1407/2013.

2) Have financial capacity

– for existing organizations – the data from the Balance Sheet for 2022 will be used, which must be published in NSI

– for newly created organizations in 2023 – the data from the Balance Sheet for the current year will be used, for the period from their registration to the last day of the month preceding the month in which the present procedure was announced. In this case, the Accounting Balance should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Law and contain data for at least 3 months preceding the date of the announcement of the procedure.

3) Have the operational capacity to implement the project proposal:

– have experience in the implementation of at least one of the activities included in the project proposal; or

– have completed at least one project financed by the EU, the national budget or other donors, in which they participated as candidates or partners.

Ineligible candidates:

Candidates who work in:

▪ the fisheries and aquaculture sector; and

▪ the field of primary production of agricultural products.

Eligible activities:

1) Development and implementation of “green” models of work organization according to the specifics of the workplaces in the enterprises. Preparation of “green” maps for the organization of work processes at the specific workplaces. Training of persons from the target group aimed at implementing “green” models of work organization. (Mandatory Activity).

2) Provision of psychological support for the prevention of “burnout” in the workplace and the “effects of the COVID pandemic on mental health”.

3) Purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) and special work clothing.

4) Provision of collective protective equipment, incl. modernization and/or reconstruction, and/or safety of existing sites, technological processes, machines and equipment related to improving working conditions.

5) Provision of social benefits for workers, incl. repair and equipment of places for recreation, rehabilitation, sports, meals and rest in enterprises, etc.

Eligible expenses:

I. Costs for services

▪ Costs for developing and implementing “green” models of labor organization;

▪ Costs to ensuring the prevention of “burnout” in the workplace and the “effects of the Covid pandemic on mental health”.

II. Costs for materials

▪ Costs for purchasing PPE and special work clothing.

III. Costs on tangible assets

▪ Costs for the purchase of means of collective protection, related to the improvement of working conditions;

▪ Costs for furniture and equipment (including repair and equipment of places for recreation, rehabilitation, sports, meals and rest in enterprises, etc.);

▪ Costs for insurance of the acquired furniture and equipment.

IV. Costs for construction and installation works – up to 15% of direct costs

▪ Costs for construction works for modernization and/or reconstruction, and/or safety of existing sites, technological processes, machines and equipment, related to improving working conditions;

▪ Costs for maintenance of the premises (including repair and equipment of places for recreation, rehabilitation, sports, meals and rest in enterprises, etc.);

V. Uniform rate

Indirect costs in the amount of 10% of the eligible direct costs of the project – these are the costs related to the remuneration of the project administration staff – project manager, technical assistant, accountant and other expert or technical staff, as well as the administrative costs related with project management (overhead costs, supplies and materials, team travel costs, visibility, transparency and communication costs, etc.).

Amount of the grant:

  • minimum amount of the grant: BGN 50 000 
  • maximum amount of the grant: BGN 391 166, as:
  • for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, the grant is 100% of the total budget of the project;
  • for large enterprises the grant is a maximum of 80% of the total budget of the project.

Applicable minimum/state aid regime:

The rules for minimum aid (the de minimis rule) within the meaning of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 applies.

Duration of projects: up to 18 months, as the implementation of the activities should be completed by 31.12.2027.

For consultation on eligibility, required documents and assistance in applying under this procedure, please contact our team of professionals through our website contact form: or by phone at: +359 898 573 914.

Contact us today so we can succeed together!

Tetra Solutions is a proud member of the Pact For Skills initiative!

Tetra Solutions Ltd. Is now a proud member of the Pact For Skills, an initiative by the European Commission bringing together stakeholders engaged in upskilling and reskilling for a more resilient EU workforce.

Under the Pact, public and private organisations join forces and take concrete action to support recovery and the green and digital transitions.

As a member of the Pact, Tetra Solutions Ltd. commits to:

  1. Promote a culture of lifelong learning for all
  • Carrying out upskilling and reskilling activities for various targeted groups
  • Updating/ creating new training/ education programmes in the context of skills gaps and labour market needs

2. Monitor skills supply/demand and anticipate skills needs

  • Identifying future job skills and training needs of school, VET and adult learners and teachers, as well as other target groups
  1. Build strong skills partnerships
  • Establishing national and EU partnerships for cooperation under various skills development initiatives
  1. Work against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities
  • Ensuring equal access to training services for everyone (incl. people in remote areas and with low socioeconomic status, marginalised youngsters, handicapped, migrants, minorities and unemployed) by developing open digital educational resources.

Find out more about the Pact For Skills here⤵

Call for Proposals: Procedure “Support for the Transition to a Circular Economy in Enterprises”


Application period: July 27 – October 3, 2023.

Total budget: BGN 180 000 000 

The current procedure is in implementation of the investment “Economic Transformation Program” to the “Intelligent Industry” component of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to the acceleration of the transition to a circular economy by providing grants to enterprises of the C sector “Processing industry” to introduce circular models for the use of resources and the implementation of climate-neutral production methods and technologies and consumption of the products of their activity.

Eligible candidates:

1) To be merchants within the meaning of the Commercial Law or the Law on Cooperatives or to be an equivalent entity within the meaning of the legislation of a member state of the European Economic Area.

2) To be registered no later than 31.12.2020.

3) To be micro, small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of Art. 3 and Art. 4 of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises and Annex I to Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of the Commission regarding the definition of micro, small and medium enterprises or being large enterprises.

4) To have realized net sales revenue for 2022 financial year depending on the category of the candidate enterprise, as follows:

  • for micro enterprises ≥ BGN 170,000.
  • for small enterprises ≥ BGN 550,000.
  • for medium-sized enterprises ≥ BGN 950,000.
  • for large enterprises ≥ BGN 3,000,000.

5) To apply for support for their main economic activity or an additional economic activity that forms no less than 20% of their net sales revenue for 2022 in sector C “Processing industry” according to the Classification of Economic Activities (KID-2008).

Eligible partners:

According to the current procedure, candidates can participate alone or together with partners. ONLY ONE partner can participate in one proposal, which meets all the eligibility criteria of the candidates.

IMPORTANT: An enterprise is allowed to participate as a partner in only one investment proposal under the procedure. In addition, an enterprise is eligible to participate in ONLY ONE proposal – either as a candidate or as a partner.

Eligible activities:

Acquisition of new technologies for introducing circular models in enterprises in one or more of the following areas

  • Reducing the generation of waste by implementing technologies for:

-> preparation for reuse and/or recycling and/or other activities for the processing of waste from the production activity (of the applicant and/or of the partner, in case the proposal is implemented in partnership) and their subsequent input as raw material in production processes, and/ or

-> reduction of the amount of waste generated during the production of a unit of product from the activity for which support has been applied for, and/or

-> reduction of the raw materials used for the production of a unit of product (the amount of raw materials used for the production of a unit of product and/or reduction of the types /number of raw materials used in the final product), which achieves a reduction in the amount of waste generated during the production of a unit of product the activity for which support is requested.

  • Limiting the use of single-use plastic products by implementing technologies for:

-> replacing single-use plastic products (including plastic packaging) with alternative products and/or reusable, biodegradable, compostable, bio-based products and packaging, and/or

-> reducing the use of plastic as a raw material put into single-use products and/or packaging, and/or

-> eliminating or limiting the use of plastic packaging, or replacing composite packaging (including plastic) with greener options (biodegradable, recyclable or other “green” packaging).

  • Using resources of biological origin by implementing technologies for:

-> input of resources of biological origin (for example, substitution of synthetic raw materials or fossil-based resources with those of biological origin).

  • Improving the standards of environmental friendliness of products by implementing technologies for:

-> achieving compliance of the manufactured products with the environmental standards and/or product requirements applicable to them (which at the time of application have not been met), resulting from European and/or national legislation in the field of environmental protection.

  • Improving the energy efficiency of products by implementing technologies for:

-> production of products with higher energy efficiency in their use (compared to the energy efficiency of the same product from the activity for which support was requested before the implementation of the relevant technology).

IMPORTANT: Any investment proposal should include the introduction of circular models in at least one of the above areas.

In addition to the mandatory areas, proposals may also include activities in the following area, which is not mandatory, but only supportive of the others:

  • Introducing other models of the circular economy by deploying technologies for:

-> using alternative raw materials, including recycled, and/or

-> increasing the use of recyclable raw materials, and/or

-> replacing or increasing the use of reusable raw materials and/or reducing the raw materials used to produce a unit of product (the amount of raw materials used to produce a unit of product and/or reducing the types/number of raw materials used in the final product), and/or

-> eliminating the need for packaging (other than plastic packaging) or replacing composite packaging (which does not contain plastic) with greener options (biodegradable, recyclable or other “green” packaging), and/or

-> replacing or reducing the use of hazardous substances included in the manufactured products, and/or

-> ensuring the multiple or repeated use of existing and/or new products for the enterprise, and/or increasing their durability, and/or

-> provision of opportunities for modernization and repair of products – repair/replacement of damaged parts and/or components with a view to increasing the durability of use of the products, and/or

-> increasing the possibilities of recycling the products after their use, including the possibilities of disassembly at the end of the life cycle in order to facilitate the recycling or recovery of the waste of the products after their end-of-use.

 Eligible expenses:

  • Costs for the acquisition of machinery, plant and equipment, representing tangible fixed assets;
  • Costs for the acquisition of specialized software for the production process, representing a long-term intangible asset – allowable in the amount of up to 50% of the total allowable costs for the relevant candidate/partner (for all categories of enterprises – micro, small, medium and large enterprises).

Amount of the grant:

  • minimum amount of the grant: BGN 70 000.
  • maximum amount of the grant according to the category of the candidate enterprise:

-> for micro enterprises BGN 350 000.

-> for small enterprises BGN 550 000.

-> for medium-sized enterprises BGN 750 000.

-> for large enterprises BGN 1 000 000.

IMPORTANT: In case the investment is carried out in partnership, the partner’s total eligible expenses should be up to 30% of the total allowable costs under the proposal, but not more than BGN 273 816.

Additionally, the maximum amount of the grant funding under individual proposals should NOT exceed:

  • for micro enterprises – 90% of the average annual net sales revenue of the applicant enterprise for the three-year period 2020, 2021 and 2022.
  • for small enterprises – 60% of the average annual net sales revenue of the applicant enterprise for the three-year period 2020, 2021 and 2022.
  • for medium-sized enterprises – 30% of the average annual net sales revenue of the applicant enterprise for the three-year period 2020, 2021 and 2022.
  • for large enterprises – 20% of the average annual net sales revenue of the applicant enterprise for the three-year period 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Percentage of funding:

  • Maximum intensity of aid under the selected regime “regional investment aid” for activities outside the southwest region (NUTS-2):

-> micro, small and medium enterprises – 50%

-> large enterprises – 35%

  • Maximum intensity of aid under the selected regime “regional investment aid” for activities in the southwest region (NUTS-2):

-> micro and small enterprises – Sofia city (capital): 40%; Sofia region: 50%; Blagoevgrad District: 50%; Pernik District: 40%; Kyustendil Region: 45%

-> medium-sized enterprises – Sofia city (capital): 30%; Sofia region: 50%; Blagoevgrad District: 50%; Pernik District: 30%; Kyustendil Region: 35%

-> large enterprises – Sofia city (capital) and Pernik Region: 20%; Sofia Region, Blagoevgrad Region and Kyustendil Region: 25%

  • Maximum intensity (percentage) of grant funding under the “de minimis” regime selected:

-> micro, small and medium enterprises – 50%

-> large enterprises – 35%

IMPORTANT: Applicants can choose only ONE of the two admissible regimes – the “regional investment aid” regime or the “de minimis” regime, depending on their needs and the specifics of the investment proposals.

Duration of projects: up to 18 months

For consultation on eligibility, required documents and assistance in applying under this procedure, please contact our team of professionals:

Call for Proposals: “School STEM Environment”

Purpose of the procedure:

The procedure is in implementation of the education policy of the Ministry of Education and Science and is financed under Component 1 “Education and Skills”, Investment 1 (C1.I1) “Centers for STEM and Innovation in Education” of the National Plan for Recovery and sustainability of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The main objective of the procedure is to provide the physical environment and the technical equipment and furnishing of STEM spaces in school education with a view to creating an integrated learning environment of a new generation that will encourage and support educational innovations in learning and teaching in the field of STEM and increase students’ interest in science and scientific research.

Within the framework of the procedure, the construction of STEM centers and high-tech equipped and connected classrooms (HECCs) in schools will be supported through the supply of equipment/furnishings/software and construction and assembly works with the aim of delineating new learning spaces of a modern nature and transforming existing traditional learning spaces and common spaces/areas to create a new architectural educational environment.

Total budget: BGN 534,335,450 including VAT

Application period:

First deadline (schools in category up to 200 students) – August 21, 2023

Second deadline (schools in category from 201 to 400 students) – September 19, 2023

Third deadline (schools in category of 401 and more students) – October 19, 2023

Eligible candidates:

State and municipal schools and centers for special educational support on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria according to Order No. RD09-853/18.04.2023 of the Minister of Education and Science and List of specific final recipients and maximum amount of funding.

Eligible activities:

1) Activities to build a STEM center and HECCs at school;

2) Organization and management activities;

3) Information, communication and publicity activities.

Eligible expenses:

Direct costs

1) Costs for construction works for the STEM center

  • Costs for preparation of a working/technical design and author’s supervision or engineering (design, together with author’s supervision and construction);
  • Costs for the procurement of necessary coordinating and permitting documents required by national legislation, including the related fees payable to the relevant competent authorities;
  • Costs for evaluating the compliance of the projects, according to Art. 142, para. 4 and Art. 169 of the Territorial Planning Law;
  • Costs for construction and assembly works;
  • Costs for construction supervision according to Art. 168, para. 2 of the Territorial Planning Law;
  • Costs for services related to the implementation of the planned activities for construction works – engineering and technical studies, etc.
  • Costs for putting the facility into operation/permitting the use of the construction.

IMPORTANT! When engineering is awarded, unforeseen costs for construction works are not financed under this procedure. When awarding construction works based on an approved technical project, it is permissible to include up to 10% of unforeseen construction works costs within the total cost of the construction works.

2) Cost for tangible assets for the STEM center

  • STEM equipment costs without additional specialized STEM equipment;
  • Costs for additional specialized STEM equipment;
  • STEM furnishing costs;
  • Costs of equipment for HECCs

3) Expenditure on intangible assets

  • STEM software costs;
  • Software costs for

Indirect costs

1) Costs for organization and management (incl. for information, communication and publicity)

Amount of eligible expenses:

  • STEM expenditure: up to the amount specified for the relevant school in the List of specific final recipients and maximum amount of funding:
    • Costs for STEM and furniture for STEM: up to 45% of the planned costs for STEM;
    • STEM equipment costs: a minimum of 45% of the planned STEM costs including the purchase of a set/s of equipment and software for its/their operation;
    • Costs for additional specialized STEM equipment: up to 20% of planned STEM equipment costs;
    • Costs for STEM software: up to 10% of the planned STEM funds (These funds include the purchase of stand-alone software beyond that required for the operation of the equipment).
  • Expenditures for HECCs: up to the amount indicated for the respective school in the List of specific final recipients and maximum amount of funding;
    • Costs for software for HECCs: up to 10% of the planned funds for HECCs (Within these funds, the purchase of independent software, other than that necessary for the functioning of the equipment, is included).
  • Costs for the organization and management of the proposal: exactly 1% of direct costs (exactly 1% of STEM and HECCs funds).

Amount of the grant:

  • Maximum amount of the grant for each project proposal: according to List of specific final recipients and maximum amount of funding

Maximum duration of the projects: up to 35 months, but no later than 31.05.2026.

IMPORTANT! No later than 2 months before the expiration of the relevant deadline for submitting proposals for the implementation of investments, each applicant should prepare and submit for approval to the National STEM Center at the Ministry of Education and Science a Concept for building a school STEM environment.

For more information about the required documents, and assistance for applying under this procedure, please contact our team of professionals through our contact form: or by phone +359 898 573 914.

Call us today to help you turn your ideas into reality tomorrow!

Call for Proposals: Procedure “Support for Energy from Renewable Sources for Households” – Call 1


Application period: 09 May 2023 – 10 November 2023

Total budget: BGN 240,000,000

Purpose of the procedure: The current procedure is in implementation of the investment “Support for energy from renewable sources for households” under the component “Low Carbon Economy” of the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The purpose of the investment is to increase the use of renewable energy in the final energy consumption in the household sector by providing financing for:

  • Component 1: Purchase of solar installations for domestic hot water supply (DHW);
  • Component 2: Purchase of photovoltaic systems up to 10 kWp, including electrical energy storage systems

Eligible candidates:

 1) To be natural persons, Bulgarian citizens, citizens of another member state of the European Union or citizens of a third country with the status of permanent residents in the Republic of Bulgaria, living in their own dwelling – a single-family residential building or their own dwelling in a multi-family building;

2) Be the owners of the home they are applying for. In the event that the applicant is a co-owner of the dwelling and owns less than 51% of the common shares thereof, written consent is required from the other co-owner(s) with whom the applicant owns more than half of the ownership of the dwelling. The consent of the co-owner(s) is certified by a declaration from the respective co-owner(s).

When the home is owned by spouses in a marital property regime, the consent of the applicant’s spouse is not necessary. When the home is owned by one or more minors and minors and his/her sole parent and the parent owns less than 51% of the common shares of the home, the children’s consent is not required.

3) Their permanent address is in the dwelling they are applying for;

4) To have paid the local taxes and fees due at the time of application for the real estate in which the photovoltaic system or DHW will be installed.

Applicants’ housing requirements:

1) The dwelling with which the application is made must be located within the regulatory boundaries of the settlement on the territory of the relevant municipality;

2) The apartment applied for should be used only for residential purposes;

3) At the address of the residence there is no trader registered in the Commercial Register or a legal entity registered in the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities;

4) To have been used an inefficient source of heat energy (stove, boiler, fireplace, etc.) of solid fuel (wood, coal, etc.) in the dwelling – at the time of submission of the proposal or before the delivery, installation and commissioning of solar installation for DHW or photovoltaic system up to 10 kWp;

5) Electricity has been consumed in the dwelling at least 6 months before the submission of the proposal under this procedure (in the case of a proposal under Option 2 of readiness) or before the commissioning of a solar installation for DHW or a photovoltaic system up to 10 kWp (in the case of a proposal under Option 1 on standby);

6) In the event that the dwelling is located in a multi-family building, the consent of the condominium is required (presentation of a copy of the Decision of the General Assembly of the owners pursuant to Art. 17, Para. 2, Item 5 of the Condominium Management Act with a majority of not less than 67 per cent ideal parts of the common parts) and issued a building permit for the construction of a solar installation for DHW or for a photovoltaic system up to 10 kWp.

Eligible activities:

  • Delivery and installation of a solar installation for domestic hot water supply, including technical introduction (commissioning) of the solar installations – purchase of fittings, cables, structure for installation of the facility, etc.


  • Delivery and installation of a photovoltaic system up to 10 kWp, which may include an electrical energy storage system, including technical introduction (commissioning) of the photovoltaic systems – purchase of fittings, cables, structure for installation of the facility, inverters, etc.

Eligible expenses:

  • costs for the delivery and installation of solar installations or photovoltaic systems up to 10 kWp (including, at the request of the applicant, an electrical energy storage system);
  • costs for technical introduction (commissioning) of solar installations or photovoltaic systems – purchase of fittings, cables, structure for installation of the facility, inverters, etc.;
  • costs of value added tax.

Readiness of investment implementation proposals:

  • Option 1: The proposal is for the financing of an investment where the activities for the commissioning of a solar installation for domestic hot water supply or for the commissioning of a photovoltaic system up to 10 kWp, which may include an electrical energy storage system, are completed in the period from June 7, 2022 until the submission of the proposal by the candidate under the present procedure.


  • Option 2: The proposal is for the financing of an investment in which the supply, installation and commissioning activities of a solar installation for domestic hot water supply or the supply, installation and commissioning of a photovoltaic system up to 10 kWp, which may include systems for the storage of electrical energy, are in the process of implementation at the time of the conclusion of the financing contract with the final recipient or will be implemented after the conclusion of the contract.

IMPORTANT: Each final recipient initially finances all activities with its own funds. The BFP is paid after the conclusion of a financing contract and after the submission of a financial and technical report on the proposal for the implementation of the investment and a request for payment. 

Amount of the grant:

  • Maximum amount of the grant for a proposal under:
  • Component 1: Purchase of solar installations for DHW – up to 100% of the value of the installation, but not more than BGN 1,960.83;
  • Component 2: Purchase of photovoltaic systems up to 10 kWp, including the electrical energy storage systems – up to 70% of the value of the system, but not more than BGN 15,000.

Duration of the projects: up to 18 months

For consultation on eligibility, required documents and assistance in applying under this procedure, please contact our team of professionals through the contact form: or by phone +359 898 573 914.

Contact us today so we can succeed together!

Call for Proposals: Renewable Energy Sources for Own Consumption


Application period: February 14 – May 15, 2023.

Total budget: BGN 200,000,000

The current procedure is in implementation of the investment “Economic Transformation Program” to the “Intelligent Industry” component of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The purpose of the procedure is to provide grants for the construction of renewable energy sources (RES) for own consumption, combined with local energy storage facilities, to encourage the transition of the private sector to environmentally friendly activity.

Eligible candidates:

1) To be merchants within the meaning of the Commercial Law or the Law on Cooperatives or to be an equivalent person within the meaning of the legislation of a member state of the European Economic Area.

2) To be registered no later than 31.12.2019.

3) To be micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of Art. 3 and Art. 4 of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises; to be small companies with an average market capitalization according to Art. 2, par. 103e of Regulation (EC) No. 651/2014; to be companies with an average market capitalization as defined in Article 2, point 7 of Regulation (EU) 2015/1017 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

4) To have realized net sales revenue in total for 2021 financial year depending on the category of the candidate enterprise, as follows:

  • for micro enterprises ≥ BGN 80,000.
  • for small enterprises ≥ BGN 200,000.
  • for medium-sized enterprises ≥ BGN 800,000.
  • for a small company with an average market capitalization or a company with an average market capitalization ≥ BGN 3,000,000.   

5) To apply for support for their main economic activity according to the Classification of Economic Activities – KID-2008.

Ineligible candidates:

Applicants whose main economic activity does NOT fall into the following sectors, sections, groups and classes according to the National Institute of Social Sciences’ KID-2008:

  • sector A “Agriculture, forestry and fisheries”;
  • • sector D “Production and distribution of electric and thermal energy and gaseous fuels”;
  • sector K “Financial and insurance activities”;
  • sector O “State Administration”;
  • sector T “Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated activities of households in the production of goods and services for own consumption’;
  • sector U “Activities of extraterritorial organizations and services”;
  • sector C “Processing industry”, section 10 “Production of food products” and section 11 “Production of beverages”, as follows:

– 10.1 “Meat production and processing; production of meat products, excluding ready meals”;

– 10.2. “Processing and preservation of fish and other aquatic animals, excluding prepared meals”;

– 10.3 “Processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, excluding ready meals”;

– 10.4. “Production of vegetable and animal oils and fats”;

– 10.5. “Production of milk and milk products”;

– 10.6. “Manufacturing of mill products, starch and starch products”;

– 10.83. “Processing of coffee and tea”, in cases where the applicant’s activity is related to the production of herbal tea (mint, verbena, chamomile and others);

– 10.84. “Production of food spices and flavorings”;

– 10.91. “Production of ready-made animal feed”;

– 11.02. “Production of wine from grapes”;

– 11.03. “Manufacture of other fermented beverages”.

  • the processing and sale of agricultural products, in the following cases:

– when the amount of the aid is determined on the basis of the price or quantity of those products which are bought from the primary producers or put on the market by the undertakings concerned, or

– when the aid is tied to the obligation to be transferred in part or in full to the primary producers.

  • the processing and/or marketing of forest products.

 Eligible activities:

Construction of new photovoltaic installations up to 1 MW for the production of energy from renewable sources for self-consumption in combination with local energy storage facilities (batteries), as follows:

  • The installed power of the built photovoltaic system must not exceed more than 2 (two) times the amount of the provided power, according to the applicant’s current contract with the electricity distribution company, but not more than 1 MW.
  • The local energy storage facilities (batteries) should have a total minimum capacity equivalent to storage with a duration of at least 1 (one) hour for at least 100% of the installed power of the photovoltaic system (it will be accepted also batteries with a total minimum capacity (in kWh) of storage with a duration of at least 2 (two) hours for at least 50% of the installed power of the photovoltaic system, or batteries with a total minimum capacity (in kWh) of storage with a duration of at least 4 (four ) hours for at least 25% of the installed capacity of the photovoltaic system, etc.).
  • The investment must be carried out on a building/property that is wholly owned by the applicant or for which only the applicant has the right to build.

Eligible expenses:

  • costs for the acquisition of tangible fixed assets (DAM);
  • costs for the acquisition of long-term intangible assets (DNA);
  • costs for construction and installation works on the roof/facade of a building or on real estate attached to it;
  • costs for consulting services of an engineering-technical nature. 

IMPORTANT: Maximum price for building a photovoltaic system up to 1 MW for own consumption in combination with facilities for local storage of the produced energy (batteries) – up to BGN 3,000 without VAT for every 1 kW of installed power of the energy facility (photovoltaic system in combination with batteries).

Amount of the grant:

  • minimum amount of the grant: BGN 75,000.
  • maximum amount of the grant: BGN 1,000,000, but not more than:

– for micro enterprises – 90% of the realized average annual net sales revenue for the period 2019, 2020 and 2021.

– for small businesses – 60% of the realized average annual net sales revenue for the period 2019, 2020 and 2021.

– for medium-sized enterprises – 25% of the realized average annual net sales revenue for the period 2019, 2020 and 2021.

– for small companies with an average market capitalization and companies with an average market capitalization – 10% of the realized average annual net sales revenue for the period 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Percentage of funding:

  • Maximum aid intensity for non-SHR activities (NUTS-2)

– micro, small and medium enterprises – 50%

– small companies with an average market capitalization and companies with an average market capitalization – 45%

  • Maximum aid intensity for HRD activities (NUTS-2)

– micro and small enterprises – 50%

– medium enterprises – 45%

– small companies with an average market capitalization and companies with an average market capitalization – 35%

Duration of the projects: up to 18 months

For consultation on eligibility, required documents and assistance in applying under this procedure, please contact our team of professionals:

Tetra’s training course “EU Project Design and Management”

The first edition of the Tetra’s training course “EU Project Design and Management” has just been completed, certificates of achievement awarded, and the trainees prepared to engage in proposal writing for the Erasmus+ calls 2023!

This training course is dedicated to exploring EU funding programmes, with a focus on Erasmus+ and European Social Fund. By taking part in it, the participants learn more about available funding and programmes, and master project design and project management skills.

The first edition of this training course was tailor-made for a group of Spanish teachers. It was carried out online in the period of six weeks, from November 1 st till December 15th, 2022. The course included six modules covering different topics related to EU funding:

  • Overview of EU funding opportunities offered by Erasmus+ and European Social Fund;
  • Proposal writing: preparatory analysis, stakeholder analysis, problem analysis and identification of needs, analysis of objectives;
  • Proposal writing: understanding and applying a logical framework, building a work breakdown structure, budgeting costs;
  • Project management: contractual issues, consortium management, methodologies and instruments for financial management of the grant, monitoring and evaluation of project activities and results;
  • Project management: stakeholder management, dissemination & exploitation of results, impact assessment, and project reporting;
  • Collaborative work on a project proposal for an upcoming call (development of a concept note and a logical framework matrix); presentation of the project ideas.

The course workload is 50 hours of learning, equivalent to 2 ECVET credit points. It is based on the learning-by-doing approach. Each module consists of a trainer’s presentation, which aims to introduce the theoretical material of the course, and learning activities, which aim to facilitate acquisition of knowledge and skills by learners. The learning activities involve the analysis of real project proposals and project implementation/reporting documentation, practical exercises (e.g. stakeholder analysis and identification of needs), and joint development of a project proposal (concept note and logical framework) for an open call.

We hope, the project ideas cooperatively developed during the training will be embedded in project proposals, submitted for evaluation, and approved for funding!

Would you like to enroll? Contact us to get an offer.

Call for Proposals – “Solutions in the Field of ICT and Cyber Security in SMEs”


Application period: October 17 – December 19, 2022

Total budget: BGN 30 600 000

The current procedure is in implementation of the investment “Economic Transformation Program” to the “Intelligent Industry” component of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to accelerating the transition to digitalization of the economy by providing grants for the implementation of information and communication technologies and solutions that ensure an increase in the level of digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Eligible applicants: Funds will be targeted at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that meet the following mandatory requirements:

1) To be merchants within the meaning of the Commercial Law or the Law on Cooperatives, or to be active law firms within the meaning of the Law on Advocacy.

2) To be registered no later than 31.12.2019.

3) To have realized net sales revenue in total for 2021 financial year depending on the category of the candidate enterprise, as follows:
• for micro enterprises ≥ BGN 41 000.
• for small enterprises ≥ BGN 82 000.
• for medium-sized enterprises ≥ BGN 123 000.

4) To have an average staff number for 2021 that is ≥ 1 employed person.

5) To apply for support for their main economic activity according to the Classification of Economic Activities – KID-2008

6) The main economic activity of the applicant does NOT fall into the following sectors, sections, groups and classes according to KID-2008:
– sector A “Agriculture, forestry and fisheries”;
– sector C “Mining industry”;
– sector C “Processing industry”, section 10 “Production of food products”; and section 11 “Production of beverages”, as follows:

• 10.1. “Meat production and processing; production of meat products, excluding ready meals”;
• 10.2. “Processing and preservation of fish and other aquatic animals, excluding prepared meals”;
• 10.3 “Processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, excluding ready meals”;
• 10.4. “Production of vegetable and animal oils and fats”;
• 10.5. “Production of milk and milk products”;
• 10.6. “Manufacturing of mill products, starch and starch products”;
• 10.81. “Manufacturing of sugar”;
• 10.83. “Processing of coffee and tea”;
• 10.84. “Production of food spices and flavorings”;
• 10.91. “Production of ready-made animal feed”;
• 11.02. “Production of wine from grapes”;
• 11.03. “Manufacture of other fermented beverages”;
• 11.06. “Malt production”.
– sector F “Construction”;
– sector R “Education”;
– sector Q “Human health care and social work”:
• section 87 “Medical-social care with accommodation”;
• section 88 “Social work without accommodation”.
– sector J “Creation and dissemination of information and creative products, telecommunications”:
• section 62 “Activities in the field of information technologies”;
• section 63 “Information services”.
– the fisheries and aquaculture sector regulated by Regulation (EU) No. 1379/2013;
– the sector of the primary production of agricultural products;
– the processing and sale of agricultural products, in the following cases:

• when the amount of aid is determined on the basis of the price or quantity of those products which are purchased from primary producers or placed on the market by the undertakings concerned, or
• when the aid is tied to the obligation to be transferred partially or fully to the primary producers.
– the processing and/or marketing of forest products.

Eligible expenses:
– Group I. ICT services/solutions for digital marketing, platforms, websites and mobile applications;
– Group II. ICT services/solutions for optimization of management, production and logistics processes;
– Group III. ICT services/solutions to ensure cyber security in enterprises.

Amount of the grant:
• minimum amount of the grant: BGN 3 000.
• maximum amount of the grant: BGN 20 000.

Percentage of funding:  100%

Duration of the projects: up to 12 months

If you are interested in applying, contact our team of professionals to guide you through the application process.