Application period: February 14 – May 15, 2023.
Total budget: BGN 200,000,000
The current procedure is in implementation of the investment “Economic Transformation Program” to the “Intelligent Industry” component of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
The purpose of the procedure is to provide grants for the construction of renewable energy sources (RES) for own consumption, combined with local energy storage facilities, to encourage the transition of the private sector to environmentally friendly activity.
Eligible candidates:
1) To be merchants within the meaning of the Commercial Law or the Law on Cooperatives or to be an equivalent person within the meaning of the legislation of a member state of the European Economic Area.
2) To be registered no later than 31.12.2019.
3) To be micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of Art. 3 and Art. 4 of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises; to be small companies with an average market capitalization according to Art. 2, par. 103e of Regulation (EC) No. 651/2014; to be companies with an average market capitalization as defined in Article 2, point 7 of Regulation (EU) 2015/1017 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
4) To have realized net sales revenue in total for 2021 financial year depending on the category of the candidate enterprise, as follows:
- for micro enterprises ≥ BGN 80,000.
- for small enterprises ≥ BGN 200,000.
- for medium-sized enterprises ≥ BGN 800,000.
- for a small company with an average market capitalization or a company with an average market capitalization ≥ BGN 3,000,000.
5) To apply for support for their main economic activity according to the Classification of Economic Activities – KID-2008.
Ineligible candidates:
Applicants whose main economic activity does NOT fall into the following sectors, sections, groups and classes according to the National Institute of Social Sciences’ KID-2008:
- sector A “Agriculture, forestry and fisheries”;
- • sector D “Production and distribution of electric and thermal energy and gaseous fuels”;
- sector K “Financial and insurance activities”;
- sector O “State Administration”;
- sector T “Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated activities of households in the production of goods and services for own consumption’;
- sector U “Activities of extraterritorial organizations and services”;
- sector C “Processing industry”, section 10 “Production of food products” and section 11 “Production of beverages”, as follows:
– 10.1 “Meat production and processing; production of meat products, excluding ready meals”;
– 10.2. “Processing and preservation of fish and other aquatic animals, excluding prepared meals”;
– 10.3 “Processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, excluding ready meals”;
– 10.4. “Production of vegetable and animal oils and fats”;
– 10.5. “Production of milk and milk products”;
– 10.6. “Manufacturing of mill products, starch and starch products”;
– 10.83. “Processing of coffee and tea”, in cases where the applicant’s activity is related to the production of herbal tea (mint, verbena, chamomile and others);
– 10.84. “Production of food spices and flavorings”;
– 10.91. “Production of ready-made animal feed”;
– 11.02. “Production of wine from grapes”;
– 11.03. “Manufacture of other fermented beverages”.
- the processing and sale of agricultural products, in the following cases:
– when the amount of the aid is determined on the basis of the price or quantity of those products which are bought from the primary producers or put on the market by the undertakings concerned, or
– when the aid is tied to the obligation to be transferred in part or in full to the primary producers.
- the processing and/or marketing of forest products.
Eligible activities:
Construction of new photovoltaic installations up to 1 MW for the production of energy from renewable sources for self-consumption in combination with local energy storage facilities (batteries), as follows:
- The installed power of the built photovoltaic system must not exceed more than 2 (two) times the amount of the provided power, according to the applicant’s current contract with the electricity distribution company, but not more than 1 MW.
- The local energy storage facilities (batteries) should have a total minimum capacity equivalent to storage with a duration of at least 1 (one) hour for at least 100% of the installed power of the photovoltaic system (it will be accepted also batteries with a total minimum capacity (in kWh) of storage with a duration of at least 2 (two) hours for at least 50% of the installed power of the photovoltaic system, or batteries with a total minimum capacity (in kWh) of storage with a duration of at least 4 (four ) hours for at least 25% of the installed capacity of the photovoltaic system, etc.).
- The investment must be carried out on a building/property that is wholly owned by the applicant or for which only the applicant has the right to build.
Eligible expenses:
- costs for the acquisition of tangible fixed assets (DAM);
- costs for the acquisition of long-term intangible assets (DNA);
- costs for construction and installation works on the roof/facade of a building or on real estate attached to it;
- costs for consulting services of an engineering-technical nature.
IMPORTANT: Maximum price for building a photovoltaic system up to 1 MW for own consumption in combination with facilities for local storage of the produced energy (batteries) – up to BGN 3,000 without VAT for every 1 kW of installed power of the energy facility (photovoltaic system in combination with batteries).
Amount of the grant:
- minimum amount of the grant: BGN 75,000.
- maximum amount of the grant: BGN 1,000,000, but not more than:
– for micro enterprises – 90% of the realized average annual net sales revenue for the period 2019, 2020 and 2021.
– for small businesses – 60% of the realized average annual net sales revenue for the period 2019, 2020 and 2021.
– for medium-sized enterprises – 25% of the realized average annual net sales revenue for the period 2019, 2020 and 2021.
– for small companies with an average market capitalization and companies with an average market capitalization – 10% of the realized average annual net sales revenue for the period 2019, 2020 and 2021.
Percentage of funding:
- Maximum aid intensity for non-SHR activities (NUTS-2)
– micro, small and medium enterprises – 50%
– small companies with an average market capitalization and companies with an average market capitalization – 45%
- Maximum aid intensity for HRD activities (NUTS-2)
– micro and small enterprises – 50%
– medium enterprises – 45%
– small companies with an average market capitalization and companies with an average market capitalization – 35%
Duration of the projects: up to 18 months
For consultation on eligibility, required documents and assistance in applying under this procedure, please contact our team of professionals: www.tetra-solutions.eu/en/contact