Tetra Solutions is a proud member of the Pact For Skills initiative!

Tetra Solutions Ltd. Is now a proud member of the Pact For Skills, an initiative by the European Commission bringing together stakeholders engaged in upskilling and reskilling for a more resilient EU workforce.

Under the Pact, public and private organisations join forces and take concrete action to support recovery and the green and digital transitions.

As a member of the Pact, Tetra Solutions Ltd. commits to:

  1. Promote a culture of lifelong learning for all
  • Carrying out upskilling and reskilling activities for various targeted groups
  • Updating/ creating new training/ education programmes in the context of skills gaps and labour market needs

2. Monitor skills supply/demand and anticipate skills needs

  • Identifying future job skills and training needs of school, VET and adult learners and teachers, as well as other target groups
  1. Build strong skills partnerships
  • Establishing national and EU partnerships for cooperation under various skills development initiatives
  1. Work against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities
  • Ensuring equal access to training services for everyone (incl. people in remote areas and with low socioeconomic status, marginalised youngsters, handicapped, migrants, minorities and unemployed) by developing open digital educational resources.

Find out more about the Pact For Skills here⤵


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