The European Vocational Skills Week – the annual Week celebrating best practices in Vocational Education and Training (VET) – was held on 16-20 of May 2022. Launched in 2016, the initiative brings all stakeholders – VET organizations, teachers, trainers and students – together to showcase the benefits VET offers young people and adults alike.
This year, the Week was focused on the theme of VET and the Green Transition. This theme is in line with the European Commission’s commitment to taking all the necessary steps to become carbon neutral by 2050 (known as the European Green Deal), including equipping people with the appropriate green skills. Within this Week, more than 800 events by local, regional, national organisations and other VET partners were held across Europe and online. The events organised by the European Commission included the flagship VET Excellence Awards. The awards were granted in several categories: Companies and learners awards; VET innovators awards; European funding for excellence in VET; and European Agencies awards. Among the winners were large companies and SMEs involved in apprenticeship; VET providers, researchers, and students; and consortia of organizations implementing EU-funded projects in the nexus of vocational education and the Green Transition.
You can find more details about the events held within the Week and the VET Excellence Awards winners on the European Commission’s website.
If you are active in the field of VET, stay tuned for updates about the European Vocational Skills Week 2023. You will have an opportunity to register your VET events on the Week’s website and benefit from EU-wide visibility and dissemination.